In the immediate vicinity of the old town with numerous places to eat and store.
Public WC at Paarkplatzz open from 7.00 to 18.00, open longer in the summer months.
In unmittelbarer Altstadtnähe mit Blick auf Flüsse, Berge und die historische Fachwerkstadt Hann. Münden.
Reservation not possible
Stadt Hann. Münden
Böttcherstraße 3
34346 Hann. Münden
Parking space: € 7.20 / 24h (always only payable for 24 hours)
Electricity: € 1 / 8 hours - (only € 1 for single use)
Short-term parking possible.
Water only 1 € coins
The best and easiest way to get there is probably by coordinates.
Freibad ca. 2km, Radfernwege an Weser, Werra und Fulda, Stellplatz direkt am berühmten Weserstein